Neffnie’s Weblog

Creative Expression on Families and Being a MOM

Conceiving Baby

First of all let me say how sorry I am to the person that wanted this topic. As so many lives do mine got too busy to even be able to write. I have no excuses other than that for why I haven’t been here. Please forgive and know that I am back to help on any subject matter.

On to the subject of fertility and conception. I do have five children as stated in my bio. That does not however make me an expert on the subject of fertility. It makes me lucky and blessed. I am hoping though that I can at least help in this department somewhat.

I only tried to get pregnant with one of my children. The other four were completely unexpected but joyfully received. My four- year old was quite a challenge though. My husband and I had tried and tried for almost three years to conceive her. I saw the doctor’s and had tests terrified that my fertility was lost forever. I was reassured by the doctor that everything was fine but still skeptical. When I am less then sure about a situation I ask questions. Below are some of the answers I received.

1.     Conception can be delayed due to diet and weight. If a person is underweight or overweight ovulation can be sporadic and unreliable. In my case I was slightly overweight. She suggested modifying my diet and aiming to lose just ten pounds.

2.    Smoking, Recreational Drugs and Alcohol can all inhibit fertility. This applies to both men and women. Nicotine can reduce egg supply and lower sperm count. THC is known for lowering a man’s sperm count to almost nothing depending on how often it is used.

3.    “Allergy to Partner”. This one through me for a loop but evidently not everyone is compatible for reproduction. Mother nature has its own natural selection. It was described to me as a type of protection method for birth defects. I have to say I didn’t believe it at first but am now convinced.

4.    Stressing about getting pregnant. Another mythical element to conception. I do think there is some truth to it though. Any stress will make it harder to get pregnant. As most women know stress does crazy things to our cycles. When you stress about pregnancy it’s twice as bad. Not only is there the physical aspect but also that let down when it doesn’t happen. Relax and enjoy the benefits of trying!

When trying to conceive remember that it takes time. There are testing kits you can buy in the pharmacy that can help you predict ovulation better. They are effective but pricey. If you are trying to get pregnant a health and dental screening should be done right away. You want to resolve any health issues prior to pregnancy to insure a healthy happy pregnancy. It’s no fun having a tooth ache while pregnant since most procedures and med’s are off limits.

Diet should also be considered. Folic acid is a much needed nutrient during pregnancy for a healthy baby. Orange juice that’s fortified with folic acid is helpful. Green leafy veggies are very high in this nutrient. Calcium is also a nutrient you want to start stocking up on. Eating healthy now sets the stage for pregnant health eating. Remember pregnancy is not an excuse to eat whatever you want. You still have to lose the weight after baby.

The most important thing to remember when trying for baby is you are not allowed to blame yourself! Blame has no room in this area of life. Conception can happen naturally or with help. No one is allowed to think they are less of a person because they can’t do it on their own. This only fuels self doubt and low self confidence. Remember you are beautiful no matter how you acquire baby; whether it be natural conception, medical intervention or adoption and surrogacy. The most important thing is that you love yourself and baby!

August 16, 2008 Posted by | advice, family, kids, love, women | , , , | 2 Comments